Farm groups anticipate border changes will reduce some costs

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New Canada/United States agreements will put farmers on both sides of the border on more equal footing, farm groups say


Talk about cheaper prices. I went shopping at both side of the border in the last 2 weeks and notice still in some same stores they had a price tag on them that has canadian and US price .The dollar is near par and the price on the tag was a huge different. I don,t think it will change the prices very much in the end we will still pay more up here. The consumers is getting screwed up here doesn,t matter if its for the farms or the household.It only helps the big companies make more money for their pockets.Canadians need to stick up for themselves shop around buy onsale when its possible.

Nothing here about sheep. Still cannot ship breeding stock to USA since Cattle had BSE. It is a one way street. USA can ship to Canada but not the other way.

This has nothing to do with speeding up border crossings and everything to do with Big Brother keeping a watchful eye.

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