Farm product prices jump

© AgMedia Inc.

But be prepared for a slowdown in the rate of increase for grain and oilseed crops, predicts ag economist

photo: Alfons Weersink


The other side of this general price increase, is the worrisome extent to which farm incomes are being enhanced by things, which like supply management, ethanol, and solar/wind energy, are dependent on tariffs, subsidies, and mandates, and which therefore, by definition, are both bad economic policy, and bad public policy.

In addition to these increased level of economic distortions caused by the increased levels of the use of mandates, subsidies, and tarrifs to support farm income, it is even more worrisome to see farmers, and farm organizations, not only seeming to be not-at-all concerned about the always-disastrous consequences of veering away from sound economic principles, but actually applauding these short-sighted policies as being fair, sound, and reasonable.

In the same vein as the old Vaudeville routine of asking "is there a Doctor in the house?" when things bomb on stage, agricultural policies have gone for far-too-long without anybody asking, and in all seriousness, "Is there an economist in the house?"

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON


Insofar as RMP is supposed to be "stable, bankable, and predictable", it too, is by definition, bad economic policy because the benefits of any program which will do any and/or all of these things will always get immediately capitalized back into asset values - thereby always defeating the purpose of the program.

It does agriculture no good to be of the mindset that the sooner we forget everything we learned in economics class, the better, and/or the belief that basic economic principles simply don't apply in agriculture.

Stephen Thompson,   Clinton, ON


I read where there is a good market in selling land to china. The china syndrone is hiting Canada by storm,buying lots of land at great prices leaseing back till later and they want to set up dairy farms so they can ship the produce back home without quota. Thats a great way to get rid of quota in Canada. We buy all the junk made in China and they thanks us by buying the land and what little companies we have left. Its about time people quit complaining about the things that works here to keep people working here and the jobs and start helping get the jobs that we lost in Canada. Canada will be owned by everyone else in the world but Canadians.

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