Farm silo hazard alert isn’t enough says union

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Agricultural workers need the protection of regulations and enforcement rather than guidelines on managing silo hazards, argues United Food and Commercial Union Canada co-ordinator


Good friends of mine lost their son in a manure tank mishap on a farm where he worked - he'd still be alive if the regulations Wales claims aren't needed, were in place.

If anything, Wales is making the UFCW's argument even stronger.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

hi just wanted to say that last year in Ontario we lost three farm workers to confined space accidents. the Ministry of labour needs to get off its position of self regulation for the industry and move to real regulations with enforcement before more workers die!!

Just look at how many drunks kill people on our highways, ever sat through a farm safety meeting,1/2 fall asleep,I was on a farm safety board at one time and education is the best preventive of accidents. And for employees we had a guy hauling manure for us that I had some concerns with so I photo copied a paper stating basically " you have a right too refuse any work you deem unsafe and you agree too act and work in a safe mode" signed by both of us, probably not legal enough in a lawsuit but I wanted them too know that safety is always a concern and don't take chances

Regulations only work to make someone take responsibility and be accountable. When it comes to lives, responsibility should be paramount.

Statistically the numbers here indicate a percentage much below the risks everyday people take crossing the street. Unless Dean Anderson, or the likes of, (western region director for Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (formerly the Farm Safety Association) intend to be in every farm yard 24/7 regulations have never prevailed against reckless abandon in the workplace.

Lets be sure the regulations will work before we are suckered into buying into more bureaucratic job security for Dean Anderson, and the Workplace Safety and Prevention Services.

Regulations work, because if people don't follow them, they can, and should, go to jail when there is a fatality on their job site. The problem with guidelines is that nobody goes to jail for ignoring them.

More to the point, if even one life can be saved by having more regulations, and even more job security, it is still cheap at any price.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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