Farmers skeptical of EI changes

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"I don’t know how it would work and I don’t know how much we’ll pay,” says dairy farmer George Dickenson


I owned the last small fluid milk processing plant in western Ontario that had to close because the Ontario Dairy Farmers just quit shipping milk into my plant (for more on this Google bovine.wordpress and search Bernie Bailey).There was no subsidy ,no unemployment , the one hundred farmers that shipped into my plant never called, and your crying because you may have to pay for employment benefits like all working people. As a small business owner I know that if I paid for EI benefits I still would not be covered so I have to pay a private insurance company .I sold the specialized milk production equipment to eight local dairy farmers for five cents on the dollar and against my advise they started a dairy that closed later and they went back to the milk cheque in the mail box.Now that the farmers have made it imposable for a small dairy to work even if they own it and the big three processors are importing milk solids from other countries to make Canadian dairy products the small farmers should take a good look at the olive branch the government is offering and not hold out until the Board gets rid of them.
Still one vote
Bernie Bailey

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