Farmers will pay for new clean air agenda

© AgMedia Inc.

Canada’s new clean air agenda is expected to drive up the cost of farm inputs – eventually and indirectly, predicts Don McCabe, Ontario Federation of Agriculture vp


McCabe has it wrong when he said that farmers are the original stewards of the land air and water.

The native population is the original stewards and the air land and water is still reserved for them today. The Crown is second in line but the farmers are the true >stakeholders" of the land air and water.

“It’s only farmers and foresters who are actually going to solve this problem. Regulation won’t do it.”

Thats not accurate at all either.

Every citizen in the country has a part to play. Why would McCabe place the total burden on farmers and foresters?

Why not charge the farmers more we make so much money for doing nothing all day.The goverments love to keep nailing the working people more so they can get the money they need for their big paychecks. I.m all for cleaning up the enviroment, but not on the back of the hard working Canadians that work every day so the rest of the people of canada can enjoy it. Let everyone pay their fair share.

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