Federal election in the wind

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‘This is what industry is asking of us,’ says Ritz of budget promises released yesterday in Ottawa

photo: Gerry Ritz

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Just exactly which commodity groups in Ontario were "thrilled" by this budget?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

It is so comforting to here that ag stability will be there if we need it after they just got done paying the producers who most needed it to get out because ag stability did not help. It is clear that they have no concept of the problems in Ont Ag, or a willingness to do anything about it. Just heard on CKNX this morning that all cucumbers for pickles in Ont are exported because there are no processors left. I guess they figure if they wait long enough they won't have to do anything for agriculture because there will be nothing left...........

John Gillespie, Ripley

I guess they figure if they wait long enough they won't have to do anything for agriculture because there will be nothing left...........

If the above is true why are farmers buying these trouphy farms at $7000 to $12000 per acre? Seems that Green belt land has droped in price.
There must be a lot of money around to pay your income tax first and the buy farms after taxes. Is FCC financing this?


“We’ve not been able to find where it’s actually worked for producers,”. While in Ottawa Ritz might look across the river to Quebec. While in Lloydminster he might look across to Alberta. If you don't look you won't find.

Michael Donohue
Douglas, On

Number of words in the Budget Speech: 3237

Number of times the word "farmer" was used: 0

Complete budget:
Number of pages in complete document: 352
Number of times the word "farmer" was used: 5

Context of which the word "farmer" is used;

Page 84: Canada expanding access to credit for farmers in poor countries.

Page 95: "$470 million to provide assistance to grain and livestock farmers following the 2010 spring floods in Western Canada". The money was allocated to but the budget did not state farmers received it.

Page 96: To encourage Quebec farmers (Agri-Québec) to set aside their money in Agri-Invest.

Page 266: Again, encouraging Quebec farmers (Agri-Québec) to set aside their own money in Agri-Invest. The word "farmer" is used twice in the paragraph.

If there are other commodity groups in Ontario that are "thrilled" with this budget as Mr. Ritz says, will Mr. Ritz publicly name those groups to back up his statement?

If Mr. Ritz cannot or will not name those commodity groups, is he being disrespectful to Ontario farmers as they were not mentioned once in the whole document.

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