Feds pushing biosecurity plans for grains

© AgMedia Inc.

A common standard sought for dealing with plant pests, weeds and diseases


I find no fault with the concept‘farm-level biosecurity’ described as a series of management practices to minimize prevent or control the introduction and spread of pests and diseases at the farm level, BUT

The traditional definition of pest, disease or weed is anything considered a nuisance, unintentionally growing or occupying and area in a human-controlled setting it is not wanted or intended to be in.

That said it will be interesting to see who will win out when it comes to species at risk, wildlife trespass intrusions, unwanted and uninvited by farmers while advocated by (urban wildlife)consumers without adequate compensation for uninvited invasion or economic loss.

Advocacates of more safegard regulation talk of "food policies" but without an all encompassing "agricultural policy" complete with rights for agricultural production including property rights, security there will just be another in a list of impossible conflicting regulations, from the most recent and persistent spray resistant type of invading pest to be managed.

Although farm level bio security might be voluntary at the onset the onus of responsibility within premise trace ability would suggest farmers and rural Ont.(read as scapegoats) are headed for a proverbial gallows showdown when it comes to who pays and who done it.

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