Forage insurance flaw worries producers

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It would seem that experience has not played a major part in this . It may be true that changes have been discussed for the last couple years but the reallity is that changes are needed for the program to work for those who are paying the premiums . I remember being told by some older than I that "Death By Talking Is A Cruel Way To Go".

I have to agree completly.In my area of eastern Lanark County my hay yield was about 50% of a normal year. I was informed by Agricorp that the rainfall at the selected station was above the trigger point and no payout would be forthcoming. I have complained to Agricorp many times that the selection of rainfall stations for my area do not represent my area. The list of stations that I am offered to choose from are all more than 16 Km from my farm. Since there was no payout this year I suggested to Agricorp that they at least return my premiums because they have failed to sample the rainfall adequately. I received no response. Talking with neighbours about this I have learned that I am about the only one left in the area that is still paying premiums. It seems they droped out some years ago. So much for forage insurance.

I would have to say that your taking it on the chin . It is one thing to pay insurance premiums for good insurance but another to pay for insurance that does not cover you or your area . Now 16 km might not seem like alot to most but it can be or may as well be as bad as hundreds of miles when it comes to rain for crops .

I'm in southern Lanark and even though the recorded rainfall was well below the trigger threshold and crops were shrivelling in July we only received a 16% payout. This was the type of year we bought forage insurance for!

It seems like the provincial authorities refuse to repair known flaws in the program. It did not work adequately when it was introduced some 30 years ago when calculated production based on rainfall somewhere else, and very late in the season, served as the base for my yield, so I quit paying for coverage. Some things just never change!

I agree its just like gambling some people win and lots loses , how else are they going to stay in business .

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