Former CFFO general manager calls it quits

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Departure is not linked to organization’s failure to obtain accreditation, says its interim manager

photo: John Clement


I did, on occasion, have the opportunity to deal with Mr. Clement, and always found him to be a man of integrity, a most-unusual trait given the demands, and restrictions, of his position.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

This accreditation issue should be opened up and farmers learn one organizaion having 35000 members while the other two orgs have 3800 AND 3500 ofa WITH 35000 IS THE ONLY org that in theory has the lobby power.
What are the rules of accreditation? Has any body told us in detail were the 3 orgs failed?. what are the rules of acceditation set by the govt? Does the govt hold a hammer over the heads of organizations if they make to high demands and needs for farmers? How much of farmers money is used to pay the salary of Ofa, cffo and nfu paid staff? Are farmers getting value? When you look at rural ontario you look up and down the roads you see depopulation, no young family farmers.Schools and churches closing. house and barn removal with ground up concrete, farm holding expansion. Acceditation, what good is it when you look at the situation the farmers of green belt are in? Take the farm tax rebate from farmers and see how many farmers would join the orgs. Ontario farming right now has profits every farmer forgets the bad times.

Modified by editor

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