GFO’s farm registration numbers holding

© AgMedia Inc.

Expected ‘backlash’ didn’t affect farm business registrations, says Ontario Federation of Agriculture’s director of finance


The big difference to farmers compared to retail or other value added enterprises is the ability to pass costs on.

Last week the Canadian dollar reach near parity with the US dollar only to fall back today. Again as price takers we are being abused by the basis difference between Canadian and US markets dictated to us by those who simply can.

Will membership numbers still hold once details of the situation with ONCommunication become widely known? Right now I think it's just the better informed members who know about this.

In all honesty farmers are not getting value from ofa/ gfo, nothing is working, other than continued slow decay of farmers/ rural Canada and the average age of farmers is now 63.Farmers were taught BY ALL Farmmag magazines how and why they should expand their operations. There are always pictures with the farmers with body language bragging with their advertising hats and coats on with their arms crossed.Do farmers realize when we expand we decrease the farmer population? Mean while farmers take their crops to their local elevator and brag about getting 200 plus bushels of corn, and then wonder why agri-business raises our seed and other imput costs.

The policies of Crews or McCabe will never get economic value for farmers. Supply Management was started 40 years ago to solve a problem but is now "A" cause of many others causes for suffering of non supply management farmers. The civil servants of OMAFRA are protecting their kingdoms getting yearly wage increases, the ones that achieve management rolls retire with a golden hand shake. We allowed our boards to relocate in Guelph thinking being close to 1 stone road would be more useful.

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