GMO alfalfa furor crosses borders

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Effect of contentious high court decision in United States uncertain this side of the border

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"You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered."
President Lyndon B. Johnson

“confirms the importance of the use of safe, beneficial technologies such as Roundup Ready alfalfa to generate the food production that will be needed to feed a growing global population."

This motherhood and apple pie quote is wearing rather thin given the acknowledged yield lag that is usual with GMO's. Longer term vision for a sustainable future for agriculture (not "vested interest" agri-business returns)including consumer market acceptance should be a serious guiding principal in making decisions with longterm consequences.

Views of sustainable agriculture advanced by opponents of biotech crops are completely out of pace with the need to sustain the future livelihood of larger world populations. Granted that present fears of biotech crops require testing and risk evaluation which consume years, a beginning to their acceptance must be made now and not later. Postponing acceptance of biotech crops plays to the vested interests of organic and environmental supporting groups and theoreticians without sound economic, agronomic and biological background, and will harm the best interests of food consumers.

The comment about yield lag with GMO is itself, wearing rather thin, especially when compared to not just the yield lag with organic, but the substantially increased production risk of getting no crop at all.

For my money, I can't accept the combined chances of lower yield, and increased production risk, of organic, and welcome the income security of GMO.

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