Government money helps expansion

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Exeter Produce and Storage Company Limited will be able to process more bell peppers


I wish we the small farmers can get some money from the goverments so we we can hire or buy some piece of equipment . Seems all you read about how the big guys get so many hundred thousand dollars so they can improve their business,so maybe they can compete against other countries or their small farmers next door. They get the best buys on fuel,seed,product,etc. because they buy so much and get the discounts where the small farmers or business cannot and recieves very little if any from the goverments.....FREE COUNTRY..

On one hand, governments are falling all over themselves to support the concept of local food, yet, on the other hand, here they are using public money to support the growing of food to be exported to places where it definitely won't be considered local food when it gets there.

I wish government, and farm organizations, would realize they can't have it both ways - we can either be in favour of so-called local food, or we can be in favour of letting food be produced where it is the most economical to do so. We can't have both.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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