Grain Farmers establish research priorities

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It's too bad this organization wasn't so-welded to the belief that the mandated use of ethanol is either good economic policy, or good public policy, especially when, by the first principles of economics, it is net-negative when it comes to both. This $850,000 does nothing to address the economic imbalance corn farmers receive from ethanol legislation at the expense of, for example, hog farmers. As a matter of fundamental fairness, and sound public policy, this $850,000 would be far-better spent on programs to help hog farmers address the injury caused by ethanol.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Given the severity of market fraud uncovered recently GFO would do well to call for a full investigation of the improprieties of the trade dept., border services and the ethanol industry.

Whats the point of growing more crop through research with no market and the government supported ethanol plants dropping like flies with more to come.

It is unlikely the security of the grain financial protection act will be sufficient to safe guard all casualties.

No worries we'll just sell our surplus grain back to the red meat sector for cheap feed!

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