Green energy proponents predict business as usual – for now

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Premier’s resignation and proroguing of the Legislation provides short-term stability says president of the Canadian Solar Industries Association


Strange story to post on an agricultural forum. This is an energy story that happens to fall on agricultural land whether we want it or not. As for John Gorman, as an environmentalist his ideals and respect to agriculture and its people are about welcome as a bad case of mastitis to most of the agricultural community.

Now with a prorogued government the bureaucrats and proponents of "all things green" can basically "have their way" with us with no appeal even under new anti bulling legislation.

Least we forget there is a real need to find out if the severity of the corruption surrounding the McGinty government parallels or outdoes the construction blundering of Montreal complete with patronage paybacks to the religion of environment, energy and its druids.

Other than the helicopter healthcare component, this resignation was about energy and environment, the very subjects now forging ahead unabated and unmonitored with no government.

The Ontario Liberals Green Energy Program is a $26 Billion BOONDOGGLE and the epitome of Crony CRAPitalism. If it was such an honest program it wouldn't require that the rights of citizens and their municipalities in Rural Ontario have their rights to plan to communities suspended and have Industrial Wind Farms rammed up their orifices. Liberals are DEAD in rural Ontario.

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