Greenhouse growers excluded from power generation program

© AgMedia Inc.

The organization representing Ontario’s greenhouse growers says greenhouses should have been included in a provincial program to support combined heat and power generation projects


why are there maybe 150+ turbines and multitude of solar panels going up in a 15 mile radius?

I believe that the Greenhouse Alliance meets the standards required for real, verifiable and additional emissions reduction credits. Currently business as usual in agriculture is to till the earth releasing naturally stored carbon, and adding human manufactured chemicals that release additional harmful emissions to the atmosphere. Business as usual agriculture today relies heavily on mother nature to provide the necessary climatic conditions to provide the exact environment for crops to flourish, whereas the Greenhouse Alliance members have proven they can significantly reduce the risks of crop failures by providing human controlled environments. Also by growing crops locally close to large urban centres year round there is a large reduction in emissions by eliminating expansive transportation carbon footprints and increased costs of the necessary fuel required to bring food to our tables. If the OPA is not interested iin purchasing carbon offsets from the Greenhouse Alliance perhaps they might want to sell them on a private carbon trading market like the one in Chicago.

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