Group fears feds will chop supply management

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Ritz affirms support for Canada’s supply managed system as he dismantles the Canadian Wheat Board

photo: Gerry Ritz


The other night, on CBC TV's - "Lang and O'Leary Exchange", a spokesperson for the Grain Growers of Canada, put the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) issue, squarely in the context of old farmer versus young farmer - he maintained that, by and large, older farmers want to keep the CWB as it is, younger farmers don't.

The farmer support profile for supply management tends to be the same - older farmers like it, younger farmers don't.

Therefore, support for both supply management, and the CWB, is dying, literally, one funeral at a time, and there's no way, unless the NFU can find a way to stop the clock, to avoid the end of either.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

As young farmers the baby boomer farmers were taught in the william a Stewart days to be " farmers to stuarts of the land", unfortunately boomer farmers have farmers and stuarts of greed

"Ritz says in a press release an open grain market will attract investment, encourage innovation, create value-added jobs and build a stronger economy for all Canadians."

From what I see and hear, the end of supply management would do the same market will attract investment, encourage innovation, create value-added jobs and build a stronger economy for all Canadians.

However it would diminsh the value of that peice of paper representing quota. Bring it on!!

For young farmers it would be the best thing to ever happen to agriculture. I still cant figure out who is going to buy this quota with the average dairy farmer almost sixty. I know a lot of guys my generation who don't want to work for 20 or 30 years to pay off our fathers out of control system. YF

Mr Thompson go look at the OFA website directers bio's have mazor supply management incomes, get the picture

but look at the ages of these directors, and ask yourself - do they represent the interests of ALL farmers, or just themselves?

Because farm organizations tend to be run by, and for, older farmers, they are usually the last to "get" any picture, particularly when it comes to the possible end of their utopia at the hands of younger farmers.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

This by your words is not a pretty example it seems it must have the same when you were a young farmer, so no change

When I was a young farmer, farm organizations didn't seem to see much, if any, problem with the high interest rates of the day - the older farmers in charge of these farm organizations, of course, didn't owe a lot of money, younger farmers did.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Given the opportunity,,most larger scale dairy farmers will trade in their quotas for the chance to expand.The economies of scale are definitely an advantage waiting to be realized by many. Supply management has been great for the family farms of yesterday,but this is today.Many will choose to leave the industry but it will hardly be noticed,and i m sure there will be monetary compensation offered. Quebec will get the biggest payout of all,they will threaten to separate again and march on Ottawa,,yawn. There was a good article in a recent issue of Macleans that dairy farmers should read.Apast cabinent minister reportably told our P.M. that the time is right to dismantle the system. Should be an interesting time.

Be careful what you wish for. The end of supply management is the begining of a food supply that is bought as cheap as possible and sold to the consumer at prices just a little cheaper than consumers pay now. if you think the prices will drop dramatically think again. Furthermore we will not have control over where it comes from. sounds Scary to me.

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