Group will appeal Dundalk fertilizer facility approvals

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‘We will defend ourselves vigorously,’ says Lystek business development director


my thoughts are process your own waste in your own backyard, we dont want urban sludge spread on Grey county farm land. its not safe and it smellls horrible,not what rural ontario needs or wants, were not a dump site for city dwellers.

Sean McGivern

There are many myths surrounding wastewater and other organic biosolids. Here are some of the more popular myths and the corresponding facts, in relation to these myths.

Myth #1: Biosolids will spread disease through its application to land

Fact: Actually there have been no scientifically substantiated reports in Canada of illness caused by the use of stabilized biosolids. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a 40 CFR Rule that categorizes biosolids as Class A or B, depending on the level of pathogens in the material. In Class A biosolids, pathogens must be substantially reduced to non-detectable levels and therefore, have significantly reduced potential for vector attraction. In order to achieve Class A categorization, the Rule describes specific processes including heating, composting, digestion or increased pH that reduce pathogens to below detectable levels. The innovative patented Lystek Process is a proven method that produces a Class A quality product and ensures disease-causing organisms have been destroyed.

Myth #2: Biosolids application is risky for consumers and crops

Fact: One of the most credible sources of scientific backing - the US National Academy of Sciences reviewed current practices, public health concerns and regulator standards related to biosolids and concluded in a July 2002 report that "the use of these materials in the production of crops for human consumption when practiced in accordance with existing federal guidelines and regulations, presents negligible risk to the consumer, to crop production and to the environment.”

Myth #3: Governments have not yet figured out the potential risks behind biosolids

Fact: In parallel with many other valid scientific studies (including the National Academy of Sciences- see Myth #2), the US Environmental Protection Agency used various studies prior to issuing its 40 CFR Rule- “Standards for the Use and Disposal of Sewage Sludge”. This rule also undergoes a bi-annual review (see reports here). This Rule ensures only processes that lead to effective pathogen control are employed for quality assurance. In addition this rule strictly limits heavy metal content to ensure any potential risks are mitigated.

The award-winning Lystek Process generates fertilizer products registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and that meet the Class A quality standards set out by the US EPA.

Myth #4: Biosolids pose risks to ground and surface water

Fact: In addition to having Class A biosolids processed to the point that pathogens are destroyed (see Myth #1) - regulatory standards ensure that ground and surface water is not contaminated by appropriate land application guidelines.

Biosolids are applied at a rate that allows for crops to absorb nutrients as they grow- reducing the potential of nutrients ending up in ground or surface waters and causing eutrophication – a common side effect of chemical fertilizers.
Metals in biosolids are generally in a form that is hard to dissolve in water and tend to remain adsorbed to the soil particles in the area where they were applied.

Myth #5: Biosolids are only useful to a select few

Fact: Appropriately treated biosolids fill the gap for a renewable, nutrient-rich, organic-based fertilizer for many including:
• Municipalities
• Corporations
• Governments
Class A biosolids can even be bagged and marketed to the public for application to lawns and gardens.
It’s important that any end-consumer know the different classifications of biosolids to ensure they select safe, high-grade biosolids generated by a proven processing technology- such as the award-winning Lystek Process.

Neither the Canadian nor the US biosolids regulations are based on "sound science." In fact, the most recent National Academy of Sciences biosolids report warned that that the current policies are based on out-dated science and unreliable risk assessment models. This unpredictable contaminated waste or products made from this waste, permanently pollutes the soil and does not belong on the land where we grow our food or graze our animals. For more information about the risks to human health and the environment from sludge, visit

Caroline Snyder Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Rochester Institute of Technology

....and is not a microbiologist. She has no documented expertise in the discipline areas required to make qualified statements about biosolids. She has not conducted any in-depth technical or scientific analysis of the Lystek system. She is not Canadian and clearly has no expertise in the rigorous, regulatory review processes required to have a process such as Lystek deemed safe and healthy by such agencies as the Ministry of the Environment, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, the Grand River Conservation Authority and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. She suggests that she knows better, but has no qualifications or basis to do so. Real facts and science are not found on blog spots run by misguided activists, such as Caroline Snyder. Some accurate information can be found here, however:



....Mr. McGivern. However, there are already over 25 (and counting) fully informed, educated farmers in Grey County that want this CFIA registered product. So, if you don't want or need it, no problem...there are plenty who do.


The team at Lystek

I don't have any idea who Lystek is, but any "team" which makes patronizing, and dismissive, comments like this, is definitely NOT any team I want to be on. I, too, am fully-informed, and educated, and to me, who I do business with, is more important than what they sell, and sorry, Lystek, you're not my kind of people.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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