How can politicians do better?

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Another planting season, another election: what do you think the federal priorities should be for agriculture? Give us your thoughts.


(1) I wish politicians of all stripes would forget all about the nonsensical idea of a "made in Canada" farm policy, especially any so-called National Food Policy, simply because any such program almost always studiously ignores sound economic principles.

(2) I wish politicians of all stripes would stop pretending that the US is simultaneously a threat to our dairy and poultry farmers, but doesn't even exist when it comes to adversely affecting our grains farmers.

(3) I wish politicians of all stripes would have the nerve, and the heart, to tell farm groups when they're being greedy, one-sided, and/or proponents of bad economic policies, to go away and come back when they understand the issues better, and when they aren't asking for things which will adversely affect the rest of the economy.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

One response on this since April 8th.
What does that mean.....?

It means that their is not much sense in wasting time responding as they never listen anyways. Example, the majority of the Canadian public does not want an election but whats happening? Party politics gotta love it eh.

learned today that our federal ag minister will not speak to an organized farm meeting in Stratford. He says he understands Agriculture and there are no issues, everthing is fine. What part of agriculture does he understand-not the part that I am in. I have always voted Conservative-not this time. I think it is time that we stand up to these clowns and let them know that agriculture is important in this country.

Politicans, don,t matter what they belong to they only really know of one person is themselves. The parties all brag what they are going to give, but to who, when is a surprise to everyone, but one thing for sure the one handing is going to get his fill or reward from it. I found out that don,t matter who,s get elected, the farmers and procssors don,t have to worry about getting their share of the pie unless they are big, CO,S get their big paychecks or bonuses and tried to get it made in china,mexico or where every there is cheap labour so they can make more.

I wish politicians would stand up for Canadian Farmers and put some boundaries on the controls Biotech Companies are increasingly imposing on us.
We have a choice though, cut inputs where possible and produce what consumers really want + GM free food. Even if the yield might be lower the profit per acre is likely to be much higher and we'll slowly regain control of our own destiny.

I just read with great interest an article in McLean's, the March 21/11 copy. In it there is a discussion about foreign investors buying up Canadian farmland. Is that a concern for anybody? I should think so.

The Liberal's have a National Food Strategy and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture is working on a National Food Strategey, so where does this issue fit in?

I must clarify a couple of things: only Canadians are allowed to own farmland in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta. But anyone is permitted to purchase farmland in BC, Ontario and Quebec. Although there was outrage in Quebec last year when it was reported that the Chinese wanted to buy millions worth of farmland in the province.

Is anybody looking into this? If not, Better Farming, maybe this could be a feature story for you sometime in the future?

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