Interest in forage insurance wanes

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The reason farmers have dropped out of forage insurance is simple and Agricorp absolutely knows it. It does not work in its present form. Every other major crop in Ontario is insured by yield. Can you imagine if Agricorp tried to sell corn producers rainfall insurance? At some point OMAF has to get serious about insuring forage if Ontario's livestock industry is to thrive.

There are many more ways to grow & feed livestock that don't require or are not covered by crop insurance . Many more farmers are growing cover crops as a self insurance program to ensure that they have feed if needed . You do not have to rely on hay only any more . Also you can and grains and other things to the mix to bring up protien .

I think the biggest thing happening at OMAF right now is the fact that we have a minister who is now doing triple duty along with being the premier . That just shows how serious she is about Ag . When are the farm groups going to wake up to the fact that they are being played ? Not long ago they were falling all over themselves about how great it was , how important Ag was because we had the premier as the minister . Letters of concern should be flooding the premiers office . All in all it is just a ploy to try get rural votes and to say look how important we are making you feel . Time to take off the blinders & open your eyes and forget about the photo opps !

The main reason that livestock farmers have opted out of forage insurance is "When You need it, most it doesn't pay out" We were in a class 3 drought last year, no insurance pay out. I can take you to three neighbours farms were that was the last straw, cattle are gone , never to come back, fence lines are now gone and crops are growing in place of cattle. Can you imagine if your house insurance worked the way forage insurance does (doesn't). When your house burns down the insurance company tells you , to bad your house fire started before midnight on July 31, we are not going to cover you, if your house had burned at 12:01 Aug.1 we would send you a cheque. Why pay insurance premiums?

As mentioned in other comments, forage production insurance does NOT work in Ontario, and from my experience it never has since it was introduced long ago. Unfortunately, the powers that be seemed to have no interest in making it functional, notwithstanding the occasional promise or review. That said, I would not want to count on adding grains as suggested in another comment -- except possibly soybeans, beans or peas -- to increase the protein of my good forage (i.e. hay) as a means to increase the protein since corn, oats and probably barley and wheat are not likely as high in protein as is the hay!

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