Letter to the editor

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It would appear that a non participating landowner's fire insurance premium for a farm buildings or crops located near a participating wind turbine might suddenly have either a surcharge risk applied or might even have no coverage for turbine fires or associated blade throws. Something to think about and ask when you do your annual fire insurance coverage assessment.

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Farm owners with turbines and renewal energy infrastructure located on your land should check with their insurance brokers.
Do you still have coverage from any third party claims for your farm?

You now have a tenant that you have no control over to their access and activities on your land. The access roads are an invitation for unwanted visitors. These are machines that can and do malfunction, like a turbine fire.

What if your "non participating receptor" next door or down the road (who used to be known as your neighbours) sues you for nuisance, harm, loss of property value? Ask your broker. The answer I have been given if you now have a policy with exclusion clauses.

Simply stated you will find most policies will not cover you for any third party claims for any perils related to renewable energy projects that supply electricity to the grid.
(If you are covered please let us all in on who the underwriter is and the specific conditions) Time to talk to your lawyer?

I would like to thank Patrick Jileson, Vice-President of the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture for his responsible response to the article. I will be phoning my Insurance Company today to ask what my position is should an abutting wind facility wipe my farm out due to fire in the nacelle, strong winds and dry crops and the inability of our fire department to put out a fire at 500 ft!. I believe that the Fire Chiefs of rural municipalities in Ontario have the power and responsibility to not allow this hideous known risk to burden our communities. The developer should have to provide insurance to cover all non participating neighbours. No insurance in place, No permit to operate an industrial machine of such height and magnitude of such risk and danger. It behooves me that the MOE and the MNR, the Ontario Fire Chief has not considered the obvious disaster in the making to rural Ontario. Years ago forrest fires in our northern mining towns wiped out whole towns! My grandmother survived the great fire of Hailybury, New Liskard and Cobalt in 1922. Her and her siblings had to wade into Lake Timiskaming , neck deep with wetted burlap feed sacks over their heads. The fire leveled the town. When will rural Ontario secede from the Toronto mentality that insists on trashing us or wiping out our way of life. Over 90 municipalities in rural Ontario have declared that they are NOT willing hosts. Yet the giant industrial machines keep marching marching marching! A spring election is our only hope. Oust McGuinty's puppet, Premier Kathleen Wynne NOW! Melodie Burkett, Spring Creek farms, Clearview, Ont.

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