Letter to the editor

© AgMedia Inc.

OSMA and OFA Cooperating on the Removal of Problem Predators


I've been reading baffle-gab and jargon-laden nonsense for decades, and this letter is right up there with the most confusing of the lot.

Is there a point to this, or is there a message, and if so, what is it?

If you can't state it in three sentences, don't bother.

The word Shepherd is an ancient term meaning sheep herder. This term is still used today but are any farmers with sheep actually sheep herders. The sheep is a very passive and vulnerable animal. A true shepherd must shepherd his flock twenty four seven to protect his animals. If not they must be locked in a predator proof compound at night. A true shepherd is with his sheep and his dogs at all times.
Two or more dogs raised with sheep from puppy stage are awesome in their ability to keep bears,coyotes,foxes, and other dogs away from livestock and farm yards. A single dog is not nearly as effective as a guardian compared to two or more dogs. A shepherd needs to like listening to dogs barking because the dogs will bark all night long if predators are near. Very few people are cut out to be real shepherds. It is a way of life and the return on investment is quite poor. One needs to love sheep, dogs and long hours. Business minded farmers might be better to consider total confinement rearing or dry lot sheep production where they do not have to be true shepherds.

Three years ago OSMA, participated in an OFA led task force that brought forward recommendations on ways to provide livestock owners with tools to safeguard their flocks and herds from predators. ...provincial authorities did not support the solutions recommended by the task force and the problem and losses continued.

Now in 3 sentences or less herein lies the problem. While OFA led anything is talking for livestock producers (for 3 yrs while waiting for government approval for their rate increase) they are also talking to MNR, conservation and OHA to meet their wishes to preserve more "toothed wildlife". As an NGO (albeit farm for the largest industry in Ont.) they are never the ones to make a farm policy like other NGO's download environmental or traceability ones on us ... they just talk.

Like the song says 'hat on sideways pants on the ground, looking like a fool' ..and late. Then write a hurried editorial to say all is well and we are still playing nicely but we want to be the leader.

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