Letter to the editor

© AgMedia Inc.

Re: “Canada wide grain grower coalition fighting research cuts” published on January 17, 2011

photo: Marc Fortin


Sharing our knowledge of agricultural science at the international level is all well and good, except these are Canadian dollars being spent and allocated to compete with our products.

Much of this research money is first triggered by producer "seed" money to bring on industry or government matching funds often with the TUA or intellectual property rights being awarded or sold to some other interest foreign or otherwise with Canadian producers paying endless fees for use.

Fortin then couches his remarks with "We are also a founding member in the Global Research Alliance, a group of about 30 countries (all either competition or markets for Canadian food) coordinating efforts and sharing technology in order to find environmentally-sustainable ways to grow more food."

Something to brag about? but it sells if you stick in environment for the greater good of people in Canada and around the world but on whose subsidy?

Comment modified by editors

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