Letter to the editor

© AgMedia Inc.

Minister responds to: Hydro grid unfit for microFIT


Duguid said: "the previous government did not make the investments that our system truly needed".

That is just a truly sad cop-out of a statement proving how far removed the current government is from reality.

Always blaming someone else is a sure sign of abuse.

How can a minister credible proceed with projects without doing due diligence first? Did he know the infrastructure could not support the new feed-ins?

If he did, why did he sign conditional contracts?

If he did not, then how could he sign conditional contracts?

The Minister appears completely INCOMPETENT.

I think I have some of what that Minister is throwing around piled out in the barnyard

First sign of losing a debate is to blame the other guy. Duguid et al, we are getting tired of this nonsense from your government.

And most importantly, where was the cost:benefit study to show that all this green energy and upgrades are of net benefit to the province? Do we not export electricity out of the province at a financial loss to domestic users already now?

Its all politics and your government has set our industry and citizens back significantly thru this grossly uncompetitive energy pricing scheme.

Steve Twynstra - Ailsa Craig, ON

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