Letter to the editor

© AgMedia Inc.

Ritz refuses program change (Better Farming Feb 11, 2011)

photo: Michael Ignatieff


Yet, for the better part of the 20 years immediately-prior to the election of the current government, the Liberals were equally, if not more, "lost-in-space" when it came to doing something, anything, for Canadian agriculture other than beating their chests in an attempt to deny the economic and social fallacies inherent in supply management.

And when it comes to "broken programs", it was the Liberals, not the Conservatives, who instituted the accounting travesty of forcing the use of P2/P2 to value inventory in the first AIDA program over a decade ago. It was the Conservatives who, after seven years of forcing us to use P2/P2, finally dumped it in favour of P1/P2 which should have been used in the first place.

A pox on all their houses!

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

A pox is far too good for the injustices done to farm families. The fleas of 1000 camels infesting their armpits is far more fitting.

How big a fool does this Liberal leader think we farmers are,... 20 years of past Liberal disaster farm policy wasteing farmers lives , and the Conservative Governments are no better, , their promises were also lies. Meanwhile our farm leaders walz with Matilda, praising agriculure ministers for failed programs.
And now world wide food price inflation will be blamed on farmers, but then when profitable farm income falls in the gutter again our Parliament will debate and have Royal commissions of CO2 promises

Has anybody counted how many PMs , agriculture ministers, farmleaders have come and gone retired with pensions leaving aged generation of farmers singing "O Canada" Played us stupid while the few young farmers bite their finger nails

It is a damed shame people of the Middle East and North Afriacn countries have despots, dictators as leaders who have shot and dont respect fellow citizens humans

And we in Canada a capitalist democracy have government leaders PM's etc who play our citizens and farmers as constant forgiving fools decade after decade

-as a diversified farmer with grains and livestock the old liberal programs where even worse than Harpers.......I was a long time Liberal supporter but Michael and Dalton just give me shivers as I don't trust either one--k g kimball

The Speller review, Easter report and countless others have enough air miles stored up to offset the economy of small counties let alone actually do something for agriculture.

The rural agricultural farm vote was determined by the Ont. ag vote when Harper got in only to realize another broken promise.

Hollow words and useless promises do not make honorable men or responsible politicians.

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