Loblaw wants Canadian meat for key stores

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Giant grocer admits traceability in meat products ‘is a pretty ambitious target’


I applaud you for taking steps in the right direction for healthy Canadian produced meats. I ask that a very close look at HOW animals are treated on the farms Loblaws deals with. More and more light is being shed on the cruel treatment and horrid acts against livestock behind closed barn doors. I look for hormone free, free range organic meats and hope to see proof of humane treatment of animals. They give their lives to nourish us. The very least we can do is make sure their short lives are comfortable. Thank you

Anybody know where Loblaws gets their turkey and other birds from? 250,000 turkeys are being destroyed down in Texas from an Ebola outbreak. Hopefully Loblaws birds are Canadian as well.

There is no such farm and no such disease. It's a hoax

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