Migrant worker health study challenged

© AgMedia Inc.

Study lumps two very different international worker programs together, says Ontario Federation of Agriculture vice president


What Country are you from? Have you ever visited any of these farms? Have you actually ever spoken to workers regarding their living conditions? have you asked workers from Jamaica and Mexico the "kind" assistance they get when they are sick and need to see a doctor? Have you asked these workers how many times their consular officer or liason officer comes to their assistance when they need help? ASK, ASK, ASK and you'll see the true reality of your "Highly Regulated" SAW Program. The study is simply accurate, numbers do not lie. Regardless whether the study was done with SAW worker or the new low skilled program, they are basically designed to fail, consequently making the vulnerable more vulnerable.

Haven't read the study. Does it compare the incidence of chronic back pain, eye, hearing, and mental health in migrant workers to the incidence of the same conditions in a Canadian rural area against the Canadian population?

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