More farmers vie for OFA’s top seat

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A farmer from Lambton County and another from Huron County declare their intentions to run for Ontario Federation of Agriculture president


One thing is clear

In the good old US of A they check out their political leaders. In Ontario we need to check out these want a be leaders to see if the are good examples to lead to get farmers meaningful economic and social gain.

A mans farm is a good example of what he is as a manager and leader.

OFA presidents are given income for spending 200 days a year away from their farms on OFA business, who takes up the slack manual and managemment work on these farm leadr president's farm?

What is the benchmarks to know if these people as leaders are getting farmers economic value for the millions of dollars spent by farm organizations. Go back and look at past presidents press releases on proposed gains if they became president, Then go check out past OFA presidents and executive to see what positons of employment they have today and where, it becomes very interesting.

Benchmarks show we as farmers got very little measured value, check it out!

Do a back round check of these proposed president's achievements to prove their worth, will it stand up to public view?

Bottom line will farmers get real measured economic value if this GUY becomes President?

Could BF or somebody answer these questions?

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