More monitoring for Ontario’s greenhouse growers

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Could it be that greenhouses are contributing to the Lake Eire problem ? A story done by Better Farming's Susan Mann ( Dec. 18 , 2014 ) states that waste water could be "discharge it to a sanitary sewer " or treat the feedwater and discharge it using a sewage works .
Now one might be think that water high in nutrients might not be a good solution to be adding to an already high nutrient solution and having it make it's way to the lake . It is likely that these intense operations are adding to the problem unknowingly .

If one thinks that more inspections and inspectors are not coming to agriculture then you best start to question your general farm org position on supporting the growth of employment in Agriculture .
Was stated very clearly during my IPM test that the reason for the need of a 911 # , Premise ID , a role number & lot and concession was so some one could inspect your fields .

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