More paperwork on the way for Canada’s livestock producers

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What about the bee's that get moved around all over the continent ? They should have to follow the same rules .

I don't see any mention of penalties or bans from ownership. I can think of perhaps a dozen or so farmers and dealers who are known for playing games with livestock buying, selling, slaughter, quarantines and other regulations. As long as those kinds of people continue their involvement with livestock I would question the effectiveness of this or any traceability program.

The federal government that is mandating this needs to deal with the tag manufacture approval process first. This system has allowed manufacturers of tags with inferior quality to be sold across the country.The tag trials over the last five years have confirmed this.Identification and record keeping can only have any validity if their is actually an RFID or other identification process that accurately stays with the animal during its life.Currently we have no such system in place.Charlie Sytsma

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