New Dairy Farmers of Ontario committee will address organic milk supply issues

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We finally have our permit to import all dairy products from the United States of America ,Trans fat free starting Oct.1/2015 ,then we will see how fast the cookie crumbles! Not only is the Harper Government sticking it to them in the new trade deal ,by opening up the Canadian Dairy market to our trading Partners! This trade deal ,along with all the other trade agreements will finish supply management! The Canadian Consumers are the Winners ,this will open the door for legal exports from Canada at world prices, NO QUOTA costs! This is the best present the Harper Government can give to new Dairy farmers that want to get into the dairy business! It has taken us to long for a lot of farmers that were shipping milk only for export ,these two new developments will open the doors for Farmers who can compete in the World and at HOME!

While I share your sentiments on being able to start up in the business I doubt many can survive in the long run financially with just exports. The current world prices say no. Getting financing will be impossible for most average size operations. Only the Largest Producers will have a chance at making it work, unless of course Our Government steps in with some type of Support Plan, just my thoughts.

Nobody can produce milk for world prices on the spot market. Cuba is going to be a very good market.

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