New federal ag programs issue call for applications

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I guess the air is still cloudy at the GMC . Mussell would like us to believe that Growing Forward was introduced as a new program . It was the renamed CAIS program . The election promise from Harper was to scrap the CAIS program not rename the old one . That would be like telling us that GFII is a new program . The proof in how good it is will be in the details .

The shift away from business risk management programs for individual farmers could be seen with the announcement that AgriStability trigger margins would, starting with the 2013 program, be reduced from 85% to 70%. The real problem with any innovation, competitiveness and/or market development program envisioned by this, or any federal government with a similar mindset, is that these programs are, by necessity, mostly needed to overcome obstacles farmers face as the result of the injurious effect of other government programs. For example, any innovation, competitiveness and/or market development program undertaken by the hog industry is, by definition, an ethanol injury assistance program, and for the rest of non-supply managed agriculture, these programs are, at best, a supply management injury assistance program. Therefore, given the structural obstacles ethanol and/or supply management create for most farmers, this new legislation should have been called the "Catching-up" program, rather than the overly-optimistic, and inaccurate, "Growing Forward" program.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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