New hearings into pork marketing

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The Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal’s decision to probe more deeply into how pigs are marketed in Ontario earns praise and criticism from the province’s pork producers

Photo: John Vander Burgt


I am a bit confused, is this guy talking about the hidden “magical list” of over 100 producers (70% of Ontario’s pigs they claim) who started this mess or the 1100 + / - producers who support the appeals to the Tribunal

Having never been privy to the original list that went to the FPMC that started this cannibalistic mess, one can only go by what is heard in the coffee shops.

Scuttlebutt has it that the original list has less than 50 actual producers of varying sizes and the rest of the list is made up of industry service providers, right down to the local plumbing shop in a small Ontario Town.

We as producers should applaud the Tribunal for moving to a new hearing, hopefully one that is not ripe with political interference from over zealous, uninformed or perhaps mislead Commission members.

As a producer who is involved with Conestoga Meats, I feel it is time for us to follow the lead of the Ontario Pork, replace our Chair and allow for some fresh thinking to take place.

Perhaps that will prevent Mr. Hunsberger from spending “… several million dollars when the industry can't afford it."

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