New hog industry committee has a job list

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Newly appointed committee faces challenges as hog marketing takes a new turn in Ontario


No matter what sector of farming as seen by these BF farming stories is in one screwed up mess, all these farm leaders and organizations decades long reducing farmer populations, no real supportive progress

Pick up any farm paper all you see is farm economic problems. Then page after page of advertising for farmers to buy. Are most of these farm publications freely sent out to farmers at no cost,.... supported by advertising supported by farm organizations? Now it is being done on internet?

The original HIAC had recommended that the universal fee should be 80 cents and calculated on the size of barns. I hope that's on the agenda, then OP could get rid of the enforcement staff.

I am all for supporting industries in need, but if the financial support comes from taxpayers, then the industry better be able to demonstrate longtern competitive sustainability. I think this is really only possible by building economies of scale through consolidation.

Looking at the makeup of the committee might provide some idea of how the Ontario government views the industry and where they want to see things end up. Has the government chosen people with a history and commitment of trying to build an industry where everyone works together?

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