New organization dogged by old controversy

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Grain Farmers of Ontario consults a lawyer after eastern Ontario producer threatens legal action

Photo: John Vanderspank


Farmers, and farm organizations, always seem to be most-reluctant to accept the wisdom of the adage - "Keep your friends close, but keep your critics closer".

Therefore, the generally-accepted practice (anywhere except in agriculture) is to appoint your critic to so many committees that he/she "burns-out" and retires, both exhausted, and silent.

Is this case, because Mr. VanderSpank is anything but a typical farmer, and because Mrs. VanderSpank has considerable talents, and abilities, in her own right, The GFO board should be doing more thinking, and less consulting with legal counsel.

It will be interesting if this gets off the ground. There is far too much documentation and first account witness to try to make past dictatorial board actions seem as pure as new driven snow. I am not sure that the devil, not the genie in this case, can be put back in the bottle this time.

Email is a wonderful thing ... it leaves a trail

I am so glad to hear the new CEO is alive and well. The silence to- date has been deafening.

As the new chair is so freely willing to talk about a delegate/director's 'bad' history, I would like to give my impression on the Board's performance (i.e. history) to date. The points are as follows:

The new CEO's knowledge of his portfolio to date: poor; he has no idea what has been spent on lobby efforts to date. His chair and board must not know either and cannot bring him up to date; the membership remains in the dark on this topic.

The board's knowledge of its day-to-day operations: poor; they had to hold an emergency meeting to give a National Coalition representative its permission to sign on its behalf 'retroactively'. Note that grassroots members do not agree with this board's decision to reduce RMP to 40%.

People skills: poor; this article indicates that the chair and its new CEO need to brush on their people skills.

Response time to queries: poor; The turn around time to respond to legitimate questions is too long. A phone call amongst all of the impacted parties could have resolved this issue much sooner.

Voted Research Travel Expenses for Trip California: poor; very bad optics; more than six are going to California soon and they have no idea what they are doing. In my view, only 2 should be going and save the money for something more productive.

In my view, the new CEO and the GFO Board's overall performance to date has been poor. If this becomes another dysfunctional board, maybe we need an internal and external audit to fix it.

When individuals become leaders of farm organization they seem to be more concerned about their position and relationship with the politicians than about the farmers they represent.

I sadly agree with your statement. For agriculture, the underlining mandate for most farm organizations seems to be that is preferable to fight off your own dissenting members with all of the resources (legal,and financial) at hand rather than address the multitude of problems and issues that concern the membership at large. Most businesses run polls, surveys, feedback sessions, and etc., to determine their short and long term strategies but not farm organizations. For the most part, farm boards just go through the motions of looking busy while they are having some fun at our expense.

He doesn't seem to understand the role of a director on any organization. You may argue and disagree within the board but you represent the decisions of the board and don't have the right to criticize them outside the boardroom.

If you can't convince enough members of the board to support your position, that's your loss. If you can't support the majority decision than you have to resign - that's how all Boards of Directors work.

Mr. Vanderspank hasn't been defamed - he did all the damage to his own reputation.

Mr. Kenny was just being honest. Why would the newly appointed board democratically select someone they know historically has been a problem for not just the former wheat board but OFA and even the Landowners who also requested he resign.

Mrs. Vanderspank, your husband has created his own problems and all you are doing is wasting the money of hardworking farmers.

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