New plans for RMP program

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Ontario’s agriculture minister discusses plans to revamp the year-old industry developed business risk management program

photo: Ted McMeekin


It's interesting that McMeekin would make this announcement within days of the March 16 deadline for livestock producers to enrol in the 2012 RMP program. He must know that effectively nobody signed up - and that's not surprising. We're almost half way through the income tax season, and, as of now, I don't have one client who had any intention of joining the livestock portion of RMP. I also don't have any client with any intention of joining the grains portion of RMP - and now that there's absolutely no chance of federal participation, that number is going to stay at zero. RMP is so-dead, and it was killed by its own flaws, not by the lack of participation by the feds. Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Steve, looking at my RMP Grains renewal and today's market prices any of your clients that are not joining if they grow corn simply can't add. Closing price $4.49, support price $4.90 makes it a no brainer, and likely even moreso after the report tomorrow. I guess all your clients must be out fighting to pay $300+ an acre rent and can't take the time to read their RMP paperwork and the current markets. Thats alright, I might still be around to rent the ground in a year or so when they are busy having an auction sale to pay their rent bill

John Gillespie Ripley

If prices tank, as you suggest, then support prices are going to blow so-far through the 85% AgriStability trigger, that anyone who gets a payment from RMP is going to lose it when AgriStability kicks in - therefore, why needlessly forfeit your RMP premium when you know you're going to lose your benefit? You'd be far-further ahead to ignore RMP completely. Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

IF and ONLY IF you are a pure crop farm, maybe you will have ag stability trigger a payment since you have had a couple good crop years to build an average, if you are a cattle or hog and cash crop farmer, the poor crop prices this year will only look like the poor cattle/hog prices have been the last few years and your average will not change= no Ag stability payment

My premium for 100% corn RMP is $4.71 per acre, and $2.48 for soybeans. Even if the payout is only 40% on my average yield and todays price of $4.49 for new corn I still get a net payout of $14.50 per acre after my premium. Considering livestock will likely average Ag Stability to no payment why wouldn't I be in RMP

The $19.21 per acre RMP benefit cheque could easily be only an advance on your AgriStability benefit, thereby leaving you $4.71 per acre absolutely worse off than if you had stayed out of RMP completely - a situation which happened to me in 2009. Why not just spend the $4.71 per acre on more fertilizer instead? Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Times 40%, - the premium, - the bean and wheat premiums that look like a much worse bet unless you grow 100% corn, - your agstab premiums and if you are somebody that paid attention and got a good portion of your crop contracted at some very good prices that were available to us, I can see why many might not be so excited about RMP in 2012.

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