Ontario’s agriculture sector’s greenhouse gas emissions reductions disputed

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Who cares anyways ,just look at the drive through line ups at Timmie's for coffee

Years and untold amounts of money were spent on reducing greenhouse gas predicated on unsound science and outright lies. http://junkscience.com/2012/12/03/with-carbon-dioxide-emissions-at-recor... The missing data of global warming trends were finally confirmed after Canada and others without the support of the US climbed on board to promise massive reductions.

Our greatest danger from greenhouse gas emanates from politicians and their supporters still confirming the need without proper scientific support data. The hangers on of the flat earth society took a long time to disappear too!

By weight the largest contributor to methane gas is termites but the OFA supporters and politicians of all things green are a close second.

OFA and the politicians need to explain
1. How the substitution of biomass organic matter (carbon) for coal burning reduces CO2 emissions?
2. How the substitution of biomass organic matter for coal burning somehow increases soil organic matter which increases water holding capacity of soils and reduces soil erosion? I suspect the opposite is true.
3. How intermittent wind turbine power with their mandatory gas plant backup power can have any significant factor in reducing CO2?

I would agree with the previous poster on all three points .

On number 2 it is obvious to any farmer that the removal of crop residue decreases the ability to build organic matter especially when it is not returned to the field as manure . . You need the stover to be left on the field so it can break down into organic matter . Also the removal process and trucking would emit more harmfull emisions into the atmosphere .

As for nitrates and the seemingly benefits of no-till , this months edition of Better Farming has on the front cover a story that points to no-till as being the culprit in putting phosphorus in our lakes . Nitrates could follow the same path I would think .

Well said ... If "we" can base our thoughts and conversations on fact, why is it so hard for politicians who think we are too stupid to see through their junk science to find rational science based fact?

Government represented by a tribunal recently threatened charges of abuse of process. The online legal dictionary law.com defines abuse of process as “the use of legal process by illegal, malicious, or perverted means.” Would this apply to government adopted policy perpetrated on rural Ont. not based in scientific fact?

As was asked in another posting recently, if OFA is so easily swayed to political agendas with little to no scientific fact "Who really represents the concerns of agriculture and rural Ont.?"

In the absence of scientific fact of global warming beyond reasonable or alarming bounds, when is this a breach of fiduciary duty that should be delt with as the scorned mayors were?

Carbon is the main element in coal so burning carbon which is organic matter is the same net effect as burning coal is it not ?

I suspect the "Flat-earth" people didn't disappear, they just bought quota - after all, it's only a small step to go from denying scientific truth to denying economic truth.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Maybe miller and OFA should look a the amounts of belch that humans do, toronto greenbelt people do when they walk the green belt trails belch and fart

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