Ontario beekeepers petition province for neonicotinoid ban

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Once neonicotinoids are banned they can always be brought back, once the bees are gone their gone!

We could always import bees . Seems that importing of predators for pest control has been done many times .
Heck we have even re-introduced elk , wild turkeys and other species in this province . Was it just a make work project ? Where is the compensation for lost income for these things we now feed at our ( farmers ) expense ?

Hmmmmm, let me see here.......we wipe out all the bees and other pollinators so we can import them again? That sounds like a wise environmental approach to things doesn't it.

Now lets see here . The bee keepers want a ban but then further down say that they can't say it is the neonics . Hhmmmm !

Davidson's point that the decline in production wasn't just due to neonics is true, weather was a factor, as it was elsewhere. Nevertheless Ontario's decline was nearly twice the national average. Do the math.

Bees should not be fes corn sryup made from BT corn. In the states many us doctors have said The BT in the corn will harm very young kids unborn kids and bees. Do not just blame neonics.

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