Ontario dairy co-operative opens membership doors to goat producers

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Goat milk producers should be jumping for joy with this option, the first time in Ontario Milking Goats History a progressive Co-op has offered a interest to Producers to become members right across the province! What stability this brings to the industry, Price, share in profits, and a say in product development. Not to mention export and domestic markets ,than to see Gay Lea buy an interest in Mariposa Dairy is bold ! What is happening in the dairy goat business is amazing but understandable , This industry has came a far way in just a short time, without to much Government Control. This is history repeating it's self, the only difference is the Industry is controlling the growth together forming partnerships and opportunities for everyone. This is the time to invest and grow your farm or get into the business. Don't be afraid to invest, pay no attention to people that Negative about the goat industry! Do your own homework and make your own decision .Than live with it ,which ever you decide ,you will succeed in farming. Bill Denby importer/ exporter

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