Ontario dairy producers eye fee increase proposal

© AgMedia Inc.

Producers will vote in January on whether to raise national promotion fees by 15 cents per hectolitre


They're like blind men trying to describe an elephant, one by touching the legs, another by touching the trunk, and another by touching the tusks. They'll do everything possible except wake up to the realization that they don't need any model to tell them that lowering the price of milk is what they need to do.

But this is the fairy-tale world of supply management, and when, not if, supply management implodes, they'll finally have to wake up to the realization that lower price is the fact of life in the real world, not something they can continue to blissfully ignore.

Instead of trying to coerce the consumer with advertising, why don't they do consumers a favour, and lower the price? The worst that could happen is that per-capita consumption of dairy products might actually increase.

One has to understand the whole picture to see why they are advertising a controlled market.

About fifteen years ago the Marketing board got rid of small dairies in favor of the big three.

On the last processing day of Sun Rise dairy John Core chair man of the ODF told me that the Dairy farmers did not have to deal with little milk companies as people will buy fluid milk no matter what the label on the bag so one dairy is really enough.

So they stopped shipping milk to the plant sending a strong message to other past small dairies.

Now they have the big three dairies and are very happy as this is big business and not farming now.

Last year the big three dairies told the ODF bring the price of milk down or else

The DFO said no so the big three now import four billion dollars worth of powder to make Canadian cheese.

The DFO has no other plants or companies to sell their milk to so.

So the ODF has no control over globalization so they devised a plan to advertise --made with Canadian milk --in an effort to make it look good for the real farmers and get the sales back the sales they enjoyed with smaller dairies and competition in the market place and Canadian cheese was made with Canadian milk.

The real farmers are depending on the ODF to stop the influx of illegal milk , while the ODF state another thousand farmers will quit milking (why).

Real farmers need to wake up, were was the shirt on your back made? welcome to globalization

Please Google Bernie Bailey and read about the last dairy then contact Carol Mitchell at 519-482-5630 to save your farm.

Still one vote


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