Ontario farm groups to launch sustainable farm plan

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"instead of Governments setting rules for farmers" but isn't that exactly what has happen with the ban on neonicotinoids issue.

The rules will be for farmers here in Ontario . Will those same rules be implemented on imports coming to this country ? Seems that a provincial group wants to tell and set rules for a Country . Will there be an Ontario price/premium to help cover the cost ?

The notion that a farm 'must be profitable' is extremely simplistic. This has proven to be true from past examples.
For farms to demand a certain level of profitability, there must be some form of support, which can come from tariffs, mandates and taxpayer subsidies. That support is then capitalized into assets like land or quota, pushing those prices extremely high, and once again farms become unprofitable. The cycle repeats.

Raube Beuerman

Be it the old NISA or Agri invest were if I gross $1.5 mil. in sales I get matching redeemable payment of $15,000 from Gov't for no more than the asking., where as the younger farmer starting out that may gross $100,000 gets $1,000 . But maybe Trudeau will solve this as he says he is cutting off those child benefits to parents worth a million (which they paid much tax on) so if he does the same for farming there won't be many qualifying . Like Quota values there is no simple solution. kg kimball

Just what kind of program could guarantee profitability? Some farmers have the management skills to run profitable farms. Some don't.

Capitalism is what built the dominant free countries that exist today.
When any group demands to be profitable, through various forms of this, that, or the other, they are actually demanding that capitalism be removed from the economic equation.
Another way to look at is that any one of these groups is claiming to have, in my eyes anyway, 'collective rights'. The problem with collective rights is that they are a violation of individual rights of everyone else.

Raube Beuerman

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