Ontario Goat on the ropes

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Association seeks new funding options after vote to become a marketing board failed


A newsletter went out to OG members in May 2013. With a heavily dairy represented board of directors, they are putting together a new proposal and drumming up support for another 'kick at the can' on voting for a goat marketing board. They will drop the check off fees to 0.005 cents/litre and $2.00/ head for meat goats. What a slap in the face to those that voted "No" to a marketing board only a few months ago. This is big business, and capitalism. There is no concession for the small producer in this matter, except for big brother saying, "it will be good for all". It is my experience, that when someone else is spending my hard earned money...it is never enough. A marketing board will forever reach deeper into the pockets of the producer until only those with the deepest pockets remain. Please stay alert and let the Ontario Farm Products Commission know that you are against a goat marketing board.

I was reading that Ontario Goat needs to decide its future after the lost vote for Supply Management.

In the spirit of helping OG's transition, I have some questions that might help them focus. If OG has excellent answers, their OG members may agree, and this could help decide OG's future.

1. Does Ontario Goat ("OG") agree that the granting of a Supply Management ("SM") monopoly gives powerful rights to the goat farmer, but those rights come attached with responsibilities as well? If yes, then what does OG see as their responsibilities under Supply Management towards the Canadian public, OG farmers, and those upstream and downstream of the OG farmer? What objective evidence can OG show that clearly demonstrates that they fully recognize those responsibilities, and the Board and all members of OG will be constantly reminded about and can be held accountable to those responsibilities?

2. Does OG's Board agree that the organization needs to be of net value to each and every OG farmer who is a member (ie. OG's Board produces more value than the levy collected on every goat & every litre of milk produced)? If yes, please provide objective evidence of the Board's business case which justifies their existence at the planned levy costs they would seek under SM.

3. How many goats/kg of meat/litres of milk are exported each year from Canada? What % is that export market of the total Canadian goat/milk production? Why is that % so small? If Canada obtained 50% of the OECD export market share, what effect would this have on the Canadian goat growers (ie. what % increase in current production, logistics, risk, profits, cost of production, etc.). If OG gains SM ranking, what will be the Board's approach and responsibility for exporting goats/meat/milk from Canada to the OECD countries, and the rest of the world?

Glenn Black President
Small Flock Poultry Farmers of Canada

basically they are there with their milk production now because you can only start once you get a contract to produce when you get some one who agrees to buy your milk . In other words if you don't have a buyer you can't just produce and flood the market .

However unlike cow dairy you CAN create your own market and sell as much as you want as long as you follow health regulations.

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