Ontario Labour Relations Board decision probes agriculture exemption

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I'm not really sure why those working "hands-on" with a crop would be exempt from these parts of the ESA but someone like Mr. Harmaniak wouldn't be. It sounds like his job was pretty vital to the operation, which is why these exemptions are in place. Why should someone like this be allowed time off for a 2 week vacation and stats, but not one of the 50 greenhouse labourers, even though they would be much easier to replace when gone? If you think you're a special case, that you deserve some sort of 9-5 job because you are little higher up than your coworkers, then you don't belong in agriculture.
"Didn't directly touch the plants" Good heavens no, that's for the peons to do. If this is your attitude please go into another industry!

On our operation we pay our workers stats and vacation pay. If you want to hire qualified people you need to treat them with respect. Treatment of employees should be the same as in any other sector. The Ag sector complains that no one wants to work and needs to hire offshore maybe we should try treating our employees how we wish to be treated. If you can't afford to treat and pay your employees properly please go into another industry.

I agree fully that there should be no exemption . Problem is that agriculture is full of exemptions and exceptions . Our general farm orgs have a history of asking and getting them as a compromise to not standing firm on issues , thinking they are getting some thing special for agriculture . It will all come to bit Ag in the butt soon .

Any farm that hire workers over 500 hours per year should have to pay all worker vac. and stat. day pay. Ken Forth and (David Bradly of the OTA.) should be looking out for the working person. They have lost all respect of the (Little people).

First commentator here. What I was hinting at is that there is this division here, with those who work directly with the crop, often poorer Canadians and foreign workers, being exempt from stats and vacation pay, but apparently someone with a little more social status working as a grower isn't exempted. Aside from this difference in social status there is really no difference in their importance to the day to day running of the operation. Hence there is really no reason, other than a sort of prejudice against lower-class people and "TFW", for one group of agricultural workers to be exempt and not the other. That's what I meant by attitude, thinking you deserve to be exempt because you don't "touch plants". I completely agree that agriculture has a problem with not valuing its employees, I used to be one myself. That's why I am so bothered by that attitude. I have seen how poorly those who do the more lower-level work are treated, and only want to make sure that they get the same consideration and same protection under the ESA as the other employees in these operations, even if we are just a bunch of dirty "plant touchers".

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