Ontario Landowner president fights mischief charge

© AgMedia Inc.

Charge relates to 2008 protest

Photo: Jack MacLaren


I don't think anyone should be surprised by anything the Ontario gov. does anymore. They continue to kick people when they're down, as times get tougher they just keep putting more restrictions in place so none of us can make a decent living!

In a time that is being called an economic crisis what has Mcguinty done to stimulate our economy? The answer is nothing. All premier "dad" has done is find ways to generate more revenue from the people under the ever growing "safety" umbrella.

The 50 over street racing law (This was already illegal!! )
No smoking in a car with kids under 16
No smoking in a commercial truck ( considered a workplace)
Speed limiters in commercial trucks. (105km/hr why not 100??? )
The new .05 blood alcohol charges
Harmonizing the taxes. and then buying votes by giving rebates to the poor.

If any of the above were really about safety and "dad" had any brains it would be 0 tolerance for driving with blood alcohol, we would have speed limiters in our cars the same as they forced the truckers to do, and smoking would be completely illegal. But that just wouldn't generate any income like what they are doing will. How about when he was going to implement tougher restrictions on young drivers, and the kids including his own I believe, got together and formed a Facebook group against it. This changed his mind! Maybe that's what we all need to do is get his kids to form a Facebook group that we can all join to change things!

As for harmonizing the taxes, if just once any politician would just be man enough to give us the truth! Yes this is going to cost more money but we feel it's something we need to do at this time!!!!!
At least I could respect that!

Words could never express the hate and anger I feel toward this government! If I didn't have family in Ontario I would get the hell out of here before my head explodes from the sheer stupidity of it all!

The one thing our beloved government seems to overlook is that everytime they impose tighter restrictions or raise taxes, they just drive more of our economy underground.

Are you kidding me?? 70 farmers have a protest that prevents people from doing there jobs for 3 hours and they're being charged!!!

Did these idiots see what went on in Toronto recently? 10,000 people closed University Av for 4 days!!!! To protest something happening in another part of the world!!

God this place SUCKS!!!

All levels of government are out of control but the Ontario Provincal Government is the worst.
Randy Hillier is a founder of both the Lanark and Ontario Landowner movements.
Randy is now a MPP as a Provincal Conservative and is trying to make this situation change. He is running for leader of the party.

He needs your help! Buy a PC membership before May 14 and get out and vote in June on the 21st or 25th in your local riding.
Go to www.hillierforleader.com for membership and more information.

The MTO landlocked our land since 1958 and the fight is still "ON" !
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