Ontario Pork gets marketing powers back

© AgMedia Inc.

Farm Products Marketing Commission slapped for ‘failing to respect the legislative principles’ of the Farm Products Marketing Act; plebiscite ordered


a big thank you to all who made this happen.

how surprised am I to see common sense prevail in a bureaucratic entity, this is the right ruling for all the right reasons. lets have pork producers decide how to market their pigs rather than buereaucrats, and the handful of winers and car/feed salesmen and plumbers who submitted the original petition to farm products. Now to really get get justice we just need farm products to cover th hundreds of thousands of dollars and wasted time their thoghtless ruling has cost the board and producers. and while we are at it lets can everyone on the commision and start fresh.

The decision also allows an 18 month "trial" exemption to any producer not using OP marketing. I believe thats most of the hogs (80%to90%) in Ontario. It appears the tribunal is stradling the fence for the next 18 months, and that may be a good thing. It also gives OP the next 18 months to formulate a "stategic plan" for the entire industry (incuding packers). This of course assumes there is some wonderful elusive plan out there that is going to suit everybody. I wish OP well in their search for this plan.

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