Ontario SPCA and Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency join forces to prevent animal abuse

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"donated" to the OSPCA by the provincial government came from?

Is the OSPCA aware that animal care codes of practise are voluntary, not mandatory?

Just another example of having to work with these people than against them! The OSPCA have overwhelming support from the urban population,they are not going away.

Take away their food in the stores and see how much support the OSPCA has. It is easy for some people to sit back and dictate when they have a full Belly and their fridge and cupboards are filled with all the food they need and want.

Yes the OSPCA is aware the codes of practise are voluntary, but, the codes are the standard in which the OSPCA use as a guide for minimum care requirements for animal husbandry.
If the OSPCA visit a farm, (OSPCA visits are complaint driven, no matter where they are) livestock producers will want to be able to show that they are following the codes of practise.
that includes water for cattle to drink, not snow!
Kim Sytsma

Yes the codes includes water for cattle to drink . What do the wild animals such as deer elk and bison drink in the wild in the winter when the water is frozen ? Not that I am disagreeing with you just trying to show how these codes and the OSPCA have seeming double standards . Yes animals under the care of people should have clean fresh water , food and be clean . When it comes to animal slaughter there are also standards that we must follow but out in the wild a kill can be a very brutal thing to witness with no standards or code of practise .

I guess the "wild" can't be standardized then...nor can the weather be forced to follow a "code"

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