Ontario tobacco board loses more marketing authority

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Be it Farm Products or MPP Carol Mitchell a stroke of the pen elimantes a lot ofboard powers. A handful of pork producers don't want too pay board fees so Ms. Mitchell wipes out single desk selling and allows direct producer/processor contracting with no Board oversight. That and board deciding to close marketing yards spelled the demise of the pork producers outside of the counties having trucking/shipping yards. All to save 15-50 cents a pig and then get clobbered by QMP bankruptcy/fraud. Dairy/Feather guys I would not trust too many "politicians" too preserve your system. kg kimball

Well said, those same pork producers that wanted Ontario Pork gone are also the same ones that stole the premium market at QMP from the rest of the producers. They will never regain there loses ( shame on your greed) for the lack of Ontario Pork oversight which was taken away by the Liberal Gov

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