PED update

© AgMedia Inc.


It makes no sense at all to now have the GFII grant money for biosecurity if infact the PED virus is in the feed . The spreading of the virus by trucks is the truckers problem and they need to clean up their act on their own . It is a waste of taxpayer dollars and an adhoc way for Gov to get money to the pork industry .

Ms. Wynne is going to be very generous with an election coming ,,all ad hoc programs happen "after the fact"

Look like its who you are that gets the money? They do not mind closing down the 2 schools down in Kemptville or Alfred, and hand money out to companies.
Its time to get those self destruct government out of Ontario before we are all out picking out of garbage cans for a meal, if there is any food in it. We need our education before we can keep our agriculture continuing on to the next generation , and not depend on having one farm for each of food needs here or importing it all in.

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