Pigeon King’s bankruptcy hearing stalled again

© AgMedia Inc.

Breeders upset as delay pushes court date into autumn


Thanks for keeping us informed. You seem to be the only one still reporting on this matter. It was the reason I started buying your magazine, and will continue in the future. YOur magazine is the best and only complete publication on farm matters.

Once again, thank you very much.

We are eager to receive as much information as possible regarding the affairs of Pigeon King. The legal system in this country is frustratingly slow. Had this whole affair happened south of the border, things would have been different. The only consolation to yet another delay in this legal matter is the fact that Arlan's legal team will be making sure they are well compensated. I hope Galbraith will one day realize and be held accountable for the pain and suffering he has caused so many good people!

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