Pigeon King bankruptcy trustee awaits court outcome

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‘It’s clear to everyone why we have to wait,’ says trustee


I am not at all certain that I want BDO to be responsible for any distribution of funds that may be restituted to creditors of former PKI. Throughout this long 2 1/2 year investigation, I felt a little comforted in the fact that the police were making an effort to keep the investigation moving along despite the slow rate of progress. BDO Canada Ltd. on the other hand has done very little in my opinion and the opinions of others i talk to to merit the excessive fees and embursements they have saw fit to award themselves. The biggest disappointment in this whole affair regarding the bankrupcty of PKI has been the attitude and lack of concern shown by BDO canada.
signed a Canadian pigeon investor.

Anyone who has ever been an Executor of a complicated estate will undoubtably have heard similar comments about his/her supposed mis-handling of the estate.

Twas always thus - people who don't know anyting about the legislated obligations and responsibilities incumbent on anyone placed in a position of being a legal trustee, always complain, and 99% of the time, simply don't know what they are talking about.

For example,in the case of Executors, if anything goes wrong, they can be held personally responsibility for any oversights they might make, and what outsiders see as a lack of concern is almost always, in reality, almost too much concern, on the part of the Executors, about getting it right.

In short, unless and/or until you've been a trustee, don't complain about what you don't know.

Well said.

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