Pigeon King to face creditors this month

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Former high flying Arlan Galbraith must attend meeting in Kitchener

Photo: Arlan Galbraith


the farm in cochrane asseted at 300,000 what a joke no body up there has any money and are all out of work ,they will be luck to get 150,000 for it, i feel bad for the poeple he owes money to it is not going to happen. when the house gets listed will be intersting to see what they are asking at 300,000 it will never get sold not worth that much money to any one.

he claimes wages for 3 years of 800,000.00 per year, where did all of this go to.

Will former investors be notified in more detail regarding this meeting? I just happened upon your story by chance and otherwise would not have known about it. Keep up the good work Better Farming in your coverage of Pigeon King.

Over the weekend, I read the article in the Ontario Farmer stating that investors with Arlan Gailbraith himself had reason to be optimistic about recovering some of their money. These people that had contracts with Arlan Gailbraith stand to share in found money as a result of his personal declaration of bankrupcty. The people who signed contracts with the subsequent company Pigeon King Inc. have no hope of recovering any money because the company declared bankrupcty and no money was left over (with that company). WHAT A SLAP IN THE FACE for the investors of Pigeon King. Almost all investors with Arlan Gailbraith got some of their initial investment back if not all. Some investors with Pigeon kIng of which I am one got NOTHING. Not one red cent. Why should initial investors get a share in found money and the later investors (whose money supported early investors) get nothing.If BDO reads this website, DO THE RIGHT THING!!! Ensure that any found money is shared equitably!!!!

Get real people, by the time the lawyers, government and mostly the Bankruptcy people (IE. BDO) get through it is HIGHLY unlikely there will be much left. Maybe a measly few grand (that is IF they can sell the Cochrane place for a decent price) to divide among a few hundred.

There are updates on the website of BDO also, under www.bdo.ca for everyones info. Better Farming is doing a very good job as stated before in messages

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